Spot On Standards
Now Is The Time To Install A Borehole - Don't Wait Until
The Summer Sun Burns Your Garden To Frazzle!
Call Spot On And Get Your Borehole Installation
Booked In Before The Next Heat Wave!
Garden Pond

For a drinkable or ‘potable’ water we can provide filtration systems and pipe work for a domestic water supply.  You could draw up to 4,400 gallons a day and significantly reduce your water bill charges.

We follow best industry practice and our filtration methods include the use of UV filters which ensure that the water is free from all chemicals. Where water filtration is used there will be additional annual running costs which may include £6 - £10 per month for salt tablets, electricity costs plus an annual £100 servicing charge. 

Our experienced staff can take you through all the costs involved in adding filtration services to your borehole but a rough guide would be an additional £800 to £1500 for filtration services.  A sum that would be easily recouped depending on water usage over a few years for the average household. 

Send us your postcode now and we will call you with general information about the location of your property and its potential for water borehole supply.

Climate change reduces the amount of water available and increases customer demans particularly for garden use.
Children Washing Dog
Call us on 01784 248466 - Your Water Problems Solved!